Monday, July 4, 2011

What soundtracks do you write to?

Like most writers, I like listening to music while I'm writing. Unlike a lot of writers, my soundtracks usually consist of music with lyrics. As of late, however, this has become an issue. The same songs I was writing to a month ago have become super distracting. So I've turned to soundtracks.

Now I have a decent soundtrack collection. Unfortunately, it's not very writing friendly. For example, the music from Lord of the Rings is so iconic that I can't separate the two in my brain. Some of my other soundtracks are heavy on the ambiance. The Hours has some lovely piano pieces, but it's all a bit ghostly. The Portal 2 soundtrack is fun, but a bit too electronica at times.

I'm looking for something epic and dramatic and meaningful and perfect to write to. But I don't have it.

This is where you guys come in. Because I need your help. Do any of you write to soundtracks? Are you partial to any composers or any soundtracks in particular? I've heard some good things about the music from Stardust, Inception, and Hotel Rwanda, but can anyone confirm or deny? Give me some recommendations in the comments!