Monday, February 7, 2011

Writerly Tools: JustNotes

Wow, it's been a while since we've done one of these, eh?

Now, I don't know about all of you, but I'm a bit obsessed about organizing things. In fact, I've been known to spend hours in programs like Picasa trying to make things pretty. My brain just likes everything in its place. So for a long time I struggled with how to organize story ideas. That is, until I stumbled upon selfcoded's JustNotes.

I've used Notepad. I've used Evernote. I've used Scrivener's scratch pad. All of these are good alternatives, but none of them had the organization or simplicity I wanted. And maybe JustNotes isn't for you. To each their own right?

Either way, JustNotes has filled a niche that I've been struggling with for quite a while. Maybe you'll like it, maybe you won't. But let me give you guys five reasons why JustNotes is my new favorite program:
  1. JustNotes is simple
    I few weeks ago I recommended Evernote to you guys because it has so many options for organization. JustNotes is the exact opposite. The user interface is clean and there aren't so many buttons that it's crowding everything out. JustNotes is as it sounds: just about notes.
  2. JustNotes syncs with Simplenote
    I adore things that sync online. The Simplenote service is cool because it's a note storage system that works with dozens of compatible programs, so your ideas are accessible in multiple environments. JustNotes happens to be work with Simplenote, and if you end up disliking JustNotes, there are dozens of other compatible programs available.
  3. JustNotes has a small footprint
    The footprint of a program is how much of an effect it has on your computer. In this case, JustNotes uses barely any CPU when open and the dock icon can be disabled. My version is currently confined to the menu bar, so even though JustNotes is always there, it stays out of my way when I don't need it.
  4. JustNotes has just enough organization
    Unlike Evernote's system of notebooks, JustNotes uses tags, which are easily searchable. Also, there aren't five thousand text editing options--you're limited to what's on your keyboard. It sounds limiting, but it's great if you just want to jot down quick notes.
  5. JustNotes makes it easy to share things
    Say you draft up a blog post in JustNotes and want to email it to someone before posting it on your site. All you have to do is press Command+Shift+M and JustNotes will copy the selected note and paste it in your email program of choice. Maybe it's frivolous, but it's cool too and makes sharing things convinent.


Kate Robertson said...

Oh another terrific program. You always seem to find the greatest programs on the net. I've downloaded it so I'll go see how well it works for me.

Sarah Robertson said...

Haha, you'll have to tell me what you think in a week. :P

Brenna Braaten said...

Okay, never heard of it before. But now I might have to try it. It sounds really exciting, actually.

Sarah Robertson said...

You'll have to tell me what you think!

Brenna Braaten said...

Will do. I'll have to remember to download it now.

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